Frequently Asked Questions
General questions
ISSF Academy is the official training and coaching academy for the Olympic shooting sports of the ISSF and has the right to license graduates. The aim of the Academy is to bring together all those involved in the sport of shooting and to produce new knowledge for the development of the sport.
For D and C Courses, a person can register either through the national federation or directly as an individual. The requirements include a proven link to the shooting sport, such as membership in a shooting club, a competition license, etc.
Courses B and A can only be attended via the national federations and require, in addition to the lower-level course qualifications, active experience in coaching.
English language proficiency will facilitate your completion of the course, but the learning platform also allows you to translate materials into your native language.
Individuals aspiring to become para-coaches are welcome to join the course as usual. A specific teaching module focusing on para-coaching will be introduced in 2025.
You can register for the course through the ISSF Academy website: www.issf-academy.com. Registration forms to the D and C Courses are open.
National Federations may also submit registrations via email to info@issf-academy.com.
The online pilot courses (D) commenced in May 2024, followed by the actual D courses started in September 2024. Each course has a capacity of approximately 20 participants and there can be multiple courses for each discipline running at the same time and there are many rounds of courses during the year.
The online C courses begin in January 2025 and there will be more courses during the year.
The course is paid by credit card or by providing a billing address. The payment information is given in the acceptance letter. The course must be paid before it starts.
Anyone can pay the course fee as described above.
No. The course fee is non-refundable. However, the course is not designed to weed out participants through written examinations but to ensure that every motivated participant passes the course.
The content of the courses is outlined on the Coach Education page on our website.
The online courses (D and C) last 12 weeks. On average, students have to work about 5 hours a week to complete the course.
The online lectures are recorded and can be viewed when you have time.
A satisfactory level of English makes it easier to participate, but on the other hand, course materials can be translated directly into a language of choice on the learning platform. If you are taking the course with another person who speaks English, it is possible to complete the course even if you only know basic English.
The first courses will be in English but in the future there will also be courses in other languages.
A computer, internet access, a weapon for the sport and the opportunity to visit the range or at least handle the weapon in a safe environment.
As a general rule, you can do the training outside the actual shooting range, with an empty gun. In other words, you can participate.
The course ends with a feedback session with the trainer, after which the licence will be issued taking into account the learning tasks completed. Obtaining a licence is not automatic.
– If you have been a coach since the D course and can prove it, your D license can be renewed.
– If you have been inactive but your license is not old, renewal of your license also requires attendance at one online seminar (dates of seminars to be announced later on our website)
– Otherwise the course must be taken again.
Completion of the D course is recommended, but on separate application, practical coaching experience may be considered as a substitute for the course.
Yes, you do. Master level coach’s perspective on a sport is different from that of an athlete.
Licences are renewable, provided that the person has coached actively. We also strongly recommend that you attend Coach Training.
The ISSF Academy does not recognize national training courses due to the varying content. The D course must be completed.
ISSF decides the license terms.
We recommend that you also attend Coach Training.
ISSF decides the license terms.
Other questions
Shorter contact courses may still be organised in the future. This will be discussed and planned together with the National federations and Training centres.
More information can be found on this website or by emailing us.
ISSF Academy does not deal with the Referee courses. Please contact munich@issf-sports.org.